Thursday, December 18, 2008

I'll be "home" for Xmas...

Okay, so a tree fell on my house and I will be blogging from my hotel room in my hometown. Needless to say, things could be much worse. My family made it out okay and my room was spared so I am all set as far as that's concerned.

SO Christmas is upon us! What does that mean?... crappy Christmas movies. Yup, and this year it seems as though ABC family will not disappoint. Now, I loves Patrick Swayze as much as the next girl. I still watch Dirty Dancing but I also know when it's time for people to bow out. Why not leave when people still respect and remember you for the outstanding role you played and the hearts you still melt whenever that horrible duet of Time of My Life booms over the school dance speakers. Admit it. You've fantasized about doing the lift. Fine, don't admit it now, but you know you have. I'm listening to it as I'm writing this. I love it.
So, judging by the commercials, Swayze plays a dad who gets laid off during the holiday season. His kids and he end up in some sort of mega mall. A mob boss lady played by Carmen Electra (Oh don't worry, I'll get to that in a later blog after I
ve seen the movie.)has two brainless idiots do a seemingly easy job of picking up her very big bag of money to give to her. Well, what do you know, the kids find the bag of money and go on a shopping spree and probably try to help their dad out. I'm sure the idiots go and look for the kids, they fall into shenanigans and the mob lady threatens the life of the children. Swayze learns the truth, gives them the money, the cops get involved, Swayze gets a job, and everyone lives happily ever after. I'm not really expecting an Oscar worthy movie, I'm just expecting a good holiday movie. I mean what happened to the good old holiday movies, like It's A Wonderful Life, Rudolph, Frosty the Snowman, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Charlie Brown's Christmas Special, the first two Home Alones, (Don't even get me started about the others) or my personal favorite A Christmas Story. You know, the one with the red Ryder B.B. gun. I grew up on that movie with my dad. My dad had me watch that movie so many times I was able to quote most of it by age ten. This kind of goes without saying but, there is a very unlikely chance there will ever be another good Christmas movie at that level. Sure, there are some contenders. Elf starring the ever present Will Ferrell was cute. There were jokes appropriate for adults and children which in my opinion, is always fun,and it also had good laughs from Ferrell. Very rarely do I find a Will Ferrell movie that is genuinely funny. The last genuinely funny Ferrell movie I saw was Anchorman. I know, but it really was funny. Bodily humor is a weakness for me. I guess what I'm looking for is something that reflects reality a little more closely. I mean, not everything has a happy ending just because it's Christmas. Maybe that's the adult in my speaking... or the cynical one anyway.
Well, you never know maybe Four Christmases could be a new classic. As for movies coming out on Christmas or around the holiday, my pick is going to be The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I think this will be one of Brad Pitt's best performances. I've seen his other movie Burn After reading and it was refreshing to see him in such a comedic role. I think his new film will be a great addition to his resume. Not to be left out, Tom Cruise is starring in a film I am most excited to see titled, Valkyrie. I saw the ads and Cruise looks like he has uhm.. how do I say this... become a little more sane. I can't wait to see him in this film that has already gotten so much acclaim. I love history as well and what could be better than a historical movie people will like watching. I was equally as excited when Heath Ledger starred in The Patriot in 2000. With the New year also brings Robert Pattinson's new film, Little Ashes, Friday the 13th, and there are a few others out there already. So... the next time I write it will most likely be closer to Christmas if not that very day, so, if I do not write until after, Merry Xmas, Happy Channukah, Happy Kwanzaa, etc.

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