Monday, December 8, 2008

And God answered my prayers...

So.. ironically enough after posting that last thing about how Robert Pattinson had the most potential out of the Twilight cast I found out that he will be starring in a new movie about the life of Salvador Dali. His acting will definitley be put to the test in this role. Salvador's character experiences love from both genders and both harbors his love and desire to create something of himself through visual art. His character is also quizzical. There are many different types of quizzical characters, there's Napoleon Dynamite, Juno, Little miss Sunshine types, but this will be one of the most challenging roles he will ever encounter as an actor. From the trailer I see that he definitley takes the character's mannerisms and thoughts very seriously, this actually may be his chance to break out of the teen movie genre. This could be the role that changes everything for him. This could lead him into the land of successful actors that were once child stars, this could either make or break him.

On another note, I actually did see the Twilight movie online for free. The quality was actually really good and I love the website. As for the movie itself... it had moments where I actually did laugh, "Google it." was one of my personal favorites. Everything in the end seemed like a really bad sci-fi channel movie. I kind of started laughing near the end. I'm sorry but it was beyond pathetic. Robert Pattinson did however fullfill my expectations of his character portrayal. He mastered the brooding young teenager role and even the responsible boyfriend at some parts. In all seriousness though, the story line of the movie seems a little out there, but maybe that's why so many people are into it. Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan was a little disappointing. Her looks were probably up to par but her acting could have been a little better at some parts. One of the best things about this movie was, was that the characters successfully established the sexual tension throughout the alotted time. At one part, the characters actaully do kiss and the hormones might as well flood off the screen but the fact that they don't have sex make it if anything a very different type of film for this day and age. I respect their choices. It's refreshing.
So, about this whole Jacob character, he's a creeper. The long hair freaks me out personally, yeah you're Native American... but... come on now. Cut it off. I have a feeling he will be more involved in the next movie but as for now I consider him to be a creep. Creeper. Creeper McCreeperson. But hey, that may prove to be as a challenge for the director because let's face it half the cash cow is Robert Pattinson. Not nearly as many people would go to see Jacob. It's just a fact. well, I guess we'll have to wait for the sadistic lion to finally eat the lamb and kill the wolf off in a later sequel. No worries though, I'm sure it will be just as enteraining as this last movie.... it'll have its moments.

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