Thursday, May 20, 2010

True love never dies...nor does it need to be remade!

It has come to my knowledge most unfortunately that the 1994 cult classic The Crow will be remade for a 2011 release. Now, if you have seen the movie from 1994 starring the late Brandon Lee you may be doing the same thing I am. I am skeptical that this will go anywhere or get anywhere as good reviews as the first one did. It would be bad juju, bad karma to redo this movie. It would be like someone saying, well yeah, Brandon Lee did a good job, died while he made the film I mean y'know God Bless him but I think we could step it up a notch.

Also, not gonna lie, the whole story of him dying on set just adds to the movie's occult character. It's creepy and interesting all at the same time. I feel if they were to remake it, it wouldn't be nearly as significant. The scene where he took the fatal shot is apparently in the actual movie by the way. And another thing, Brandon Lee was Bruce Lee's son so it was kind of a no brainer that he would be well equipped with martial arts training. Everyone and anyone nowadays, (sorry Mark Wahlberg/Matt Damon/Danie Craig) gun slinging heroes are a dime a dozen it seems. I enjoyed Lee's performance as a kid, yes, a kid, because he was doing something different, the fancy footwork and hand work with Tin Tin's knives were exquisite.

I can only hope this remake will provide a good actor and nothing different from the story line of the 1994 version. Two things especially must remain intact,

1. True Love Never Dies

2. It can't rain all the time

I can't tell you how often both of these come across in my life and I don't think they would hold the same significance if it were delivered by someone else or under a different film. It just worked. But remakes are common and there was most likely a promise of big money knocking at the studio's door. But should it be remade? Well we got awhile, but mull over it.

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