Friday, January 29, 2010

Just When I Thought My Headache Was Gone... is a website devoted to brainwashing young impressionable girls (and some women sadly) into thinking that their significant other or the person they're dating has to wait on them hand and foot. Are you kidding? I had to beg my prom date not to open the door to the car for me and all that stuff. I find it awkward. I would never expect a guy to do all that stuff for me. I mean, if he was trying to impress someone, like my grandmother, then go for it.
This reminds me of when I was on the T recently, and a very pretty girl got on and there were no seats left. I was already standing and the guy next to me leaned over to his friend and said, "Why didn't you give the hot chick your seat?" and he answered (quite cleverly might I add), "You wanted equal rights, you can stand." I couldn't have agreed more. If she were pregnant or I don't know bleeding profusely, then yeah give the lady your seat, but other than that she can stand.
Edward is a FICTIONAL character. FICTION. With a capital "F". It would be like people running around going, "Hold out for your perfect man, your Harry Potter or Ron Weasley!" Which, ironically enough would be an easier feat because although very fictional, their characteristics are much more, How do I say this...real. Ladies, I can guarantee you that you will not find a guy who would love nothing more than to watch you sleep. If you do, contact police, he's probably wanted somewhere. Neither will he ever be the of all and end all of aesthetics. No guy is perfect. Sorry. He can be perfect for you, don't get me wrong but somewhere someone will find fault with him. Namely, your mother. Also, he most likely won't be dead or a virgin. There are guys out there that wait until marriage. 5% of people are Americans are virgins when they marry. That's like, two and a half percent if we're going 50/50 here. Edward waited 100+ years to have sex? I think not. We are animals and have needs. No male I know ever wants to go that long and couldn't care less about whether they have found the love of their life or "sheep" or whatever it's referred to in the book. This brings me to another point. Ladies, the book refers to Bella, the shallow one dimensional female character as a lamb, a sheep, a follower. Do not be a follower. Like the books, like the movies but do not think that you have to do whatever your significant other or some housewife who read the books and thinks since her daughters are near dating age (which tell me, woman,when the Hell is that? Do they have an expiration date? I'll go into more detail in a minute) wants you to do. You are your own person.
Dating age. Oh please oh wise one, when is that? I am twenty years old and I honestly have had such a ridiculous schedule my entire life, I have never had time for men. Not boys, men. I've never had time for boys. It was never of importance for me to have a boyfriend or get one. I am comfortable in my single life. I love it, I can go out and talk to/dance with/make out with anyone I want with no strings attached. Will I consider settling down? Sure, eventually when I'm around 30 or 35 but right now? No. Wasn't Eddie Bella's first boyfriend or something too? You have a less than 15% chance of staying with your high school sweetheart or first love. I can be proved wrong but I'm just saying it's highly unlikely. And another thing, since we're talking about a FICTIONAL story, let's put this into previous centuries. You are living in the 1800's and tell your children the story of Cinderella. Can you imagine telling them to hold out for someone rich, handsome, full of status, and power? No. You tell them marry up from what you have now and provide better for your children which is actually something that may not be done by this generation and their children.
If you're telling you daughters to hold out for a man that treats them the way they want to be treated, kudos, good message. If you're telling them what he has to do like open every door, pull out every chair, refer to people as ma'am or sir, that's a tad ridiculous by today's standards. Just a tad. So, as long as you're not brainwashing people (any more than they have been by Twilight) I guess you're doing an okay job. So, yay to the parents telling their kids to wait for the one that treats them the way they want to be treated and boo to the parents who use chic lit to illustrate a point.

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