Monday, June 28, 2010

It Has Arrived...

AHHHH! Potter fans rejoice around the world as Warner Brothers has released the brand new Deathly Hallows trailer. For those fans who have read the books, the images used in the advertisement add life and body to the scenes they have such vividly pictured in their minds. This brings up an interesting point. Which two-part-movie-based-on-a-book will prevail in at the box office? More importantly, do box office numbers really deem a winner and a loser within the cinema? Critics?
From past experiences, people have relied on the weekly box office numbers to direct them to which film or critics to tell them who was on their game and who was not. James Cameron demolished it twice with Titanic and Avatar while Christopher Nolan annihilated it with The Dark Knight. These movies (with the exception of Avatar in my opinion) were deserving films. However, sometimes the box office is...skewed we'll call it.
Of course I am referencing Twilight. Why in the world their final book Breaking Dawn is being made into two parts is clearly obvious. It is to rival the Harry Potter film franchise. Here's the deal, the Harry Potter film franchise has spanned over 10 years. The first film was released in 2001, and the last part of the Deathly Hallows will be in 2011. That is ten years of groundbreaking CGI and A-list actors from British film and...oh yeah..the FIRST franchise to hire Robert Pattinson. Harry Potter also gained fame in a very trying time for the U.S. We had just gone through the aftershock of September 11th and I know for me, the books were a place of solace. It allowed me to fall deep into a magic place away from problems as minuscule or grand as they were. The characters were also relatable. I knew a brown frizzy haired know-it-all and a gangly funny kid (Hermione and Ron) and I knew plenty of kids from less than desirable living situations (of course nothing as abusive as near starvation like Harry was) so I felt like these were approachable. I do not however know a vampire, a werewolf, or a weird girl who is so painfully awkward yet has men enamored by her. I feel that the franchise will end just like Harry Potter but the latter franchise will transcend more age groups, social groups and time. Twilight will disappear after the movies have come out because it only appeals to a very specific audience.
So, as I predict both parts of both movies will do very well but I see Twilight coming out on top. Why? Because I just see the franchise getting a huge rally of support as well as those few people who mob the theatre dressed as Harry Potter characters to harass the Twilight fans. This is what they forget..since they bought the tickets, that money gets counted toward the box office totals...yeah...good plan.
Money in the end does kind of determine the popularity of its film however it does not determine its significance or its quality. Both films appeal to its audiences. Neither of the film's fans are any more or less intelligent of the fans than the other. Neither of the film's fans are better or worse. It is better just to live separately and peacefully than endlessly bashing the other no matter what the box office says.

(Go HP)

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