Thursday, November 20, 2008

Twilight Express Now Boarding

Today is November 20th and at midnight millions of tweens and young teenagers will flock to the theatres to see this movie called Twilight. I personally don't read the series but I can say that the amount of advertising and crazed fans have successfully made me NOT want to see the movie or read the books. Purely because of the fact I will then be a sheep or under this trance that Stephanie Meyers, the author has put these people under. I'm sure it's a wonderful series but you need to understand that in the beginning I would have been more than happy to read the books yet, when you tell somebody they "have to read this" I eventually stop listening to you because the only reason these people can give me, is, "Well, it's better than Harry Potter." or my personal favorite, "It has vampires." I don't understand how that is persuasive at all. The twilight plugs on t.v. have actually not been that bad. There has been an ad here or there but not nearly as much advertising as say, The Dark Knight. This movie relies on its fan base to ignite enough interest and pure fanaticism to draw crowds. Eye candy doesn't hurt either... which brings me to Robert Pattinson who plays the male lead, Edward Cullen.

Mr. Pattinson has graced the screen of another novel phenomenon, Harry Potter. Although he was not the lead male, he rivaled Harry with his good looks as the fictional Cedric Diggory. I thought out of all the actors in the Potter series he showed the most promise, go figure. I thought there would be so much more for him than sleazy teen films. Perhaps he will move on from this genre after Twilight. Don't get me wrong, the movie may be done well, but personally, this actor is capable of so much more. I may eat my words if I ever read the books or see the movie, but I do believe the main attraction to this story is Edward's character. If he were an ugly vampire who fell in love with an attractive girl and they loved each other how many people would show up to the theatres? Not very many would want to show up to an updated version of Beauty and the Beast. Which, in my opinion, this movie is. This movie is primarily a modern tale of this from what I hear. A brooding social outcast from both genders come together and learn they love each other despite the fact that he's a vamp and she's a normal girl. There's definitely more to it than that, but the main premise is that "love conquers all." So here's to you, Mr. Pattinson making it in another novel to movie franchise, I dearly hope you don't typecast yourself anymore than you already have.
What makes a phenomenon in the movie business? Is it the fact that so many people are interested in something at the same time? Or is it the fact that that people are persuaded into thinking they're into something? In a culture where we are bombarded by mass media and consumer generated advertisements, it becomes more and more unclear to me everyday. In the situation of Twilight I feel it is something for people to hold on to. Since Harry Potter has ended and there isn't anything for the facebook generation to latch onto movie wise, Twilight is the perfect antidote. Let's hope there is no chance of overdose or side effects.

Monday, November 17, 2008

T.R.L. Gives Me A Throwback

Last night was the last episode of TRL on MTV. I remember when Carson Daly hosted it and I would sneak around my parents to watch the Backstreet Boys and other favorite acts of mine perform on the stage as they counted down the top 10 music videos of the day. In those days you had to call in your vote, kids, no texts or Internet options... I definitely just showed my age. So, last night, the backstreet boys were there and they performed a few songs that make me wish I was nine again and had Nick Carter plastered all over my wall. They performed "All I Have To Give" which ironically, was one of the first videos I saw on TRL. They also performed one of their new hits, "Inconsolable". I love this song as much as their old stuff, it highlights each of their voices, minus Kevin of course, but nonetheless is a good tune.

I remember so vividly the first time I saw the Backstreet Boys... I was downstairs and they were on the news station my mum had on. They were described as "another Beatlemania" by the newscaster. Immediately, since I had no real connections other than the telephone, I called my best friend to have her go on the Internet and see if she could find anything about them. My family had a computer but I couldn't go online anytime I wanted. She said she saw some pictures and they were good looking. After that I remember listening to the radio non stop trying to get a listen to what everybody was talking about. Finally, a DJ put it on the airwaves, "Baby... Oh... Even in my heart I see... you're not being true to me..Deep within my soul I feel, nothing's like it used to be..." Looking back on it now, it's so cheesy but at that time what had befallen my young impressionable ears was that of the quintet composed by God, in my mind at least. It was as if I finally had an identity among my school mates. I was a Backstreet Boy fan who specialized in Nick Carter-ology. I was obsessed. Even to this day I still listen to them and have a tiny crush. I never got to go to one of their concerts. I don't have a t shirt like I've always wanted, I never got to say I met them. I remember trying to save up money to try and go see them. Only to save up to $48.72 and find out it's on a school night. My mum was not going to let me go. I was crushed. Even last night I felt a little envious of the girls that got to be at the Times Square studio, like the envy I had for the girls all over the world that got to see them perform.

I hope, I desperately hope that MTV replaces the time slot with actual music or music videos. I stopped watching TRL after 2002. It just didn't do anything for me anymore. They had people who didn't have talent or flash-in-the-pan artists would make appearances. I wanted what had come and gone. I really hope MTV promotes people that young kids can look up to or have fun listening to. It seems everything back then was about innocent love or girls or having fun. Everything now is adult. Let the kids be kids and let them sing about kid stuff. I will miss TRL but most of all I will miss the music and artists that it had brought to my attention, and those artists who still hold my attention regardless of their popularity on the radio or television.

<- then..
<- and now

And I still think Nick is adorable.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The name is Bond. James Bond.

The new James Bond film, Quantum of Solace hit theatres this past weekend. Daniel Craig gave a wonderful performance as the 007 agent. When he first became the new James Bond coming after Pierce Brosnan in Casino Royale I was very skeptical that he could fill the shoes worn by those before him. The big thing for me was that he has dirty blond hair and piercing blue eyes. Sure, I have learned to love those features but I had grown accustomed to the dark featured Pierce Brosnan. Craig does a great job of portraying the deeply affected and inconsolable Bond trying to avenge his last love.. fling would actually be a better word. Even though his love was short lived it must have struck him deeply because he spent most of his energy trying to find the people responsible for his love's sudden death. He does some amazing physical feats, for example, he and a foe fall through a glass ceiling and do a mind bending tango to the death while climbing, dodging, all while being suspended from ropes.

Craig also does not disappoint when it comes to the fantasy side of the movie. He is a true womanizer in every sense of the word. While in various hotels he manages to seduce or charm his way into and out of various situations, something that very few people have mastered with finesse. (I can't imagine living without it, personally.) Every movie one beautiful woman has to perish in order to save Bond or keep his identity safe. n this case, it was Fields, the woman he uhm, consummated. She was however, not the lead lady. This was the first Bond film where the leading Bond lady was not killed and not "loved" by Bond.

Craig is lovely as 007. He has done more than exceeded my expectations of fulfilling the James Bond role that had been occupied by such legendary and iconic actors such as Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan. I hope to hear that he will last in a few more James Bond films because I feel he has done a fantastic job of carrying the iconic spy's personality and attitude.

The movie's theme song was also a hit. It was a brilliant mix of soul from Alicia Keys and edgy. rough staccato from Jack White of the White Stripes. The lyrics are intelligently composed as poetry and immediately entice the audience in the opening credits. This was the first time the theme song to a Bond movie was performed by a duet as well. In my opinion, they did a good job.